Archive for 2014



“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

1.              I thank God that I am a Nigerian by God’s choice; I wouldn’t have been a better national of any other country.
2.              I thank God for this portion of planet earth where it has pleased Him to place me; no other place on earth would have been better for me than Nigeria.
3.              God shall continually be praised for the fine weather we have in different parts of Nigeria and for the absence of many natural disasters.
4.              I praise God for the diverse human and material resources that are available in Nigeria: the population, professionals, market, labour, potentials, minerals and all forms of environmental resources.
5.              I pray that God’s original mind for creating the Nigeria nation will be fully accomplished in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
6.              I confess the sins of our forefathers, grand-parents, parents and the sins of our generation that God will forgive us.
7.              May God forgive us of the uncountable lives that have been prematurely terminated in Nigeria by civil war, communal clashes, armed robbery, preventable road accidents, insurgence of all forms, ritual killings, wizardry and all forms of wickedness.
8.              In Nigeria, may the gospel of the eternal Saviour Jesus Christ continue to flourish as a good seed does on fertile land and under very favourable conditions.
9.              May Nigerian Missionaries continue to prosper in their endeavours. May they see the fruits of their travail and give all the praise to God.
10.          May there be appropriate support for our missionaries in Nigeria and may the missionaries be faithful to their calls.
11.          I speak to all dark places of Nigeria: Receive the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.
12.          May there be strategic conversions in Nigeria in which those who champion anti-God agenda will be dramatically and miraculously turned to the Lord God Almighty.
13.          May religionists in Nigeria especially those who are sincerely wrong be helped by the Almighty God to come to know, believe and serve the only true and living God.
14.          May those who come to know Jesus in Nigeria be established to follow the original gospel. I pray
against all forms of another Jesus, another gospel and another spirit.
15.          May Nigerians believe God more than anything else and may our actions and words manifest our belief of the Almighty God.
16.          May our Church altars continue to be righteous altars where acceptable sacrifices are offered continually to the Lord God Almighty.
17.          May our Pastors be Shepherds indeed and not hirelings. May they lead the Church as Jesus Christ wants His Church led and may they lead their congregations to God’s glorious heaven at the end in Jesus name.
18.          May peace be restored among warring family members in Nigeria: Husbands and wives; parents and children, brothers and sisters. May love prevail in Nigeria irrespective of all our tribal, religious and social differences. 
19.          I pray that illicit sex, prostitution, and all forms of immorality fade away in Nigeria. May chastity be reawakened.
20.          May the television, print and all electronic and social media be more moral than they are today. May the nude pictures fade away and may decency be revived.
21.          May Nigerian parents stand up to their responsibilities of training up their children in the fear of God.
22.          May God specially take care of our senior citizens. May the retired civil servants enjoy their retirement years and may the older people enjoy their remaining years as government puts in place appropriate policies to support these citizens.
23.          May God guide our leaders right. May leaders provide exemplary leadership. May we begin to practice politics without bitterness and may our politicians have the fear of God in their conducts.
24.          May our political institutions be strong, vibrant, focussed, objective and committed to the progress of the Nigeria nation.
25.          May there be harmony between the different tiers and levels of government in Nigeria. May they all work for the progress and unity of the nation.
26.          May our governments at all levels be

Evangelism Techniques


for further enquires contact Prof Felix Aromo Ilesanmi at

Changed Lives


This books is a life changing book, for those that want to hear the truth
for further enquires contact Prof Felix Aromo Ilesanmi at

Calming the Storms on Cmpus


Is an orientation piece for new comers to the Campus Environment. Storms discussed include Failure inordinate , affection, cultism etc
for further enquires contact Prof Felix Aromo Ilesanmi at



“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

1.         I thank God that I am a Nigerian by God’s choice; I wouldn’t have been a better national of any other country.
2.         I thank God for this portion of planet earth where it has pleased Him to place me; no other place on earth would have been better for me than Nigeria.
3.         God shall continually be praised for the fine weather we have in different parts of Nigeria and for the absence of many natural disasters.
4.         I praise God for the diverse human and material resources that are available in Nigeria: the population, professionals, market, labour, potentials, minerals and all forms of environmental resources.
5.         I pray that God’s original mind for creating the
Nigeria nation will be fully accomplished in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
6.         I confess the sins of our forefathers, grandparents, parents and the sins of our generation that God will forgive us.
7.         May God forgive us of the uncountable lives that have been prematurely terminated in Nigeria by civil war, communal clashes, armed robbery, preventable road accidents, insurgence of all forms, ritual killings, wizardry and all forms of wickedness.
8.         In Nigeria, may the gospel of the eternal Saviour Jesus Christ continue to flourish as a good seed does on fertile land and under very favourable conditions.
9.         May Nigerian Missionaries continue to prosper in their endeavours. May they see the fruits of their travail and give all the praise to God.
10.      May there be appropriate support for our missionaries in Nigeria and may the missionaries be faithful to their calls.
11.      I speak to all dark places of Nigeria: Receive the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.