
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

1.              I thank God that I am a Nigerian by God’s choice; I wouldn’t have been a better national of any other country.
2.              I thank God for this portion of planet earth where it has pleased Him to place me; no other place on earth would have been better for me than Nigeria.
3.              God shall continually be praised for the fine weather we have in different parts of Nigeria and for the absence of many natural disasters.
4.              I praise God for the diverse human and material resources that are available in Nigeria: the population, professionals, market, labour, potentials, minerals and all forms of environmental resources.
5.              I pray that God’s original mind for creating the Nigeria nation will be fully accomplished in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
6.              I confess the sins of our forefathers, grand-parents, parents and the sins of our generation that God will forgive us.
7.              May God forgive us of the uncountable lives that have been prematurely terminated in Nigeria by civil war, communal clashes, armed robbery, preventable road accidents, insurgence of all forms, ritual killings, wizardry and all forms of wickedness.
8.              In Nigeria, may the gospel of the eternal Saviour Jesus Christ continue to flourish as a good seed does on fertile land and under very favourable conditions.
9.              May Nigerian Missionaries continue to prosper in their endeavours. May they see the fruits of their travail and give all the praise to God.
10.          May there be appropriate support for our missionaries in Nigeria and may the missionaries be faithful to their calls.
11.          I speak to all dark places of Nigeria: Receive the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.
12.          May there be strategic conversions in Nigeria in which those who champion anti-God agenda will be dramatically and miraculously turned to the Lord God Almighty.
13.          May religionists in Nigeria especially those who are sincerely wrong be helped by the Almighty God to come to know, believe and serve the only true and living God.
14.          May those who come to know Jesus in Nigeria be established to follow the original gospel. I pray
against all forms of another Jesus, another gospel and another spirit.
15.          May Nigerians believe God more than anything else and may our actions and words manifest our belief of the Almighty God.
16.          May our Church altars continue to be righteous altars where acceptable sacrifices are offered continually to the Lord God Almighty.
17.          May our Pastors be Shepherds indeed and not hirelings. May they lead the Church as Jesus Christ wants His Church led and may they lead their congregations to God’s glorious heaven at the end in Jesus name.
18.          May peace be restored among warring family members in Nigeria: Husbands and wives; parents and children, brothers and sisters. May love prevail in Nigeria irrespective of all our tribal, religious and social differences. 
19.          I pray that illicit sex, prostitution, and all forms of immorality fade away in Nigeria. May chastity be reawakened.
20.          May the television, print and all electronic and social media be more moral than they are today. May the nude pictures fade away and may decency be revived.
21.          May Nigerian parents stand up to their responsibilities of training up their children in the fear of God.
22.          May God specially take care of our senior citizens. May the retired civil servants enjoy their retirement years and may the older people enjoy their remaining years as government puts in place appropriate policies to support these citizens.
23.          May God guide our leaders right. May leaders provide exemplary leadership. May we begin to practice politics without bitterness and may our politicians have the fear of God in their conducts.
24.          May our political institutions be strong, vibrant, focussed, objective and committed to the progress of the Nigeria nation.
25.          May there be harmony between the different tiers and levels of government in Nigeria. May they all work for the progress and unity of the nation.
26.          May our governments at all levels be
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”  Psalms 33:12

DEPENDABLE and continue to say and do under God.
May lie telling, insincerity and window dressing be off from governance in Nigeria.
27.          Irrespective of the national character system in Nigeria, may we elevate meritocracy above mediocrity. May merit have that good place in all forms of appointments in Nigeria in Jesus name.
28.          I specially pray for all advisers to our leaders that none will give anti-God counsel. May our leaders be able to discern the appropriate counsel to follow each time.
29.          May our leaders not make mistakes that will land us in trouble in this nation. For the sake of the innocent citizens, may God help our leaders to take the best decisions each time.
30.          I pray for a peaceful process of election in Nigeria towards the 2015 administration. May God influence our elections, making each fair and peaceful. 
31.          I specially pray for Christian politicians not to forget their God and their allegiance to God while serving the nation. May they eschew greed, idolatry, inordinate ambition and all forms of evil practices.
32.          I pray that government at all levels in Nigeria will be more pro-active in the prevention of strikes and industrial unrests of all forms. May our Unions be selfless, godly and nationalistic in their demands.
33.          May God give the Nigerian government and other employers of labour the lasting solution to all types of strikes and industrial strife in Nigeria.
34.          May God give government a lasting solution to the undue rivalry among the medical/health professionals in Nigeria.
35.          May God help our government to resolve the Universities-Polytechnics graduates cold war of superiority/inferiority complex.
36.          May our schools be safe. May we go to school each time without fear of attack and all forms of molestation.
37.          May our public schools not die off. May there be a real effort by government to revive the schools. May the glories of the Nigerian Unity Schools return again.
38.          I pray for a virile alumni system in our educational institutions. May the pioneers and forerunners of our schools arise to help raise the standard of our schools.
39.          May God bless our institutions with good, selfless, prudent and God fearing leaders. May they work always to leaving the institutions better than they met them.
40.          May God give us ground breaking ideas, innovations, inventions and breakthroughs in the Nigerian institutions which will better the lives of our citizens and find considerable market all over the world.
41.          May our professionals not be sound; not halfbaked any longer. May the training institutions in Nigeria be better equipped to produce dependable professionals.
42.          May more notable scholars of repute of the status of Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and other accomplished Nigerian gain global recognition in no distant time. 
43.          May God deliver Nigeria from the brain-drain syndrome. May this land be the green pasture that other nationals look forward to.
44.          God bless the NYSC Scheme and continue to protect all our sons and daughters in the Scheme. May they serve the nation more diligently leaving commendable legacies and good memories in their states of service.
45.          May God grant our teaming youth ideas so that they will become self employed and subsequently employers of labour rather than looking for government employment.
46.          May Nigerian youth believe in dignity in labour. May there be that excellent attitude to work in Nigeria.
47.          God be praised for the progress in the Nigerian economy. May leaking points be blocked and may other sectors begin to contribute to the national economy just as petroleum has been doing.
48.          May there be a boost to tourism in Nigeria, not only to serve as a revenue earner but to portray the wonders of God in Nigeria.
49.          May we begin to enjoy stable power supply in Nigeria. May the present privatization arrangements work out and may its good results be evident in no distant future.
50.          May we begin to massively utilise acceptable alternative sources of energy in Nigeria; particularly solar.
51.          May our exports receive good prices at the international market in Jesus name. May our international trade be highly beneficial. May our production efforts work.
52.          May there be a great acceptance of the word of
God among the little children in our generation. May
God raise a glorious generation of God-fearing
Nigerians through these young ones in Jesus name. Amen.
53.          I pray against poverty in Nigeria that God will visit each family, community, LGA and State on how best to address poverty among its people in Jesus name.
54.          May there be equity in the distribution of the resources of Nigeria. May we be able to reasonably reduce the cost of governance in Nigeria.
55.          May our highways be excellent in Nigeria from
Maiduguri to Lagos to Port Harcourt and from Sokoto to Port Harcourt to Lagos. May we enjoy excellent road networks in our various States and communities.
56.          May all our transportation modes (air, land, water, rail and pipelines) be safe, effective and efficient. I pray for safety on our highways. May drivers not over-speed and drive more carefully. May the roads be better maintained and may road safety casualty figures continue to reduce considerably.
57.          May God protect our railway system in Nigeria. I pray against derailment. May more locations be linked up to the existing rail-system and may they be permanently revived. Amen.
58.          May God protect our pipelines in Nigeria so that they can deliver the commodity to target locations without loss of commodity or lives.
59.          Thank God for the telecommunication breakthroughs in Nigeria. May all other forms of services and utilities enjoy such breakthroughs shortly in Jesus name. Amen.
60.          May God protect our critical infrastructure from all forms of attack in Jesus Name. May our air, waterways, sea, ports/harbours and termini be safe. 
61.          May we imbibe maintenance culture in Nigeria. May we no longer wait for our facilities to decay and rot before any action.
62.          I pray for the utilisation of appropriate technology in the various sectors of the Nigerian economy. May all waste-laden technologies fade away from Nigeria in Jesus name.
63.          I pray for safety in our houses and offices. May we take appropriate renovation measures before buildings will collapse on people in Nigeria.
64.          I specially pray for Nigerian Security System that it will be commanded from heaven by the Lord God Almighty. It shall become technology and intelligence driven with better results, less casualties among the security personnel and Nigeria innocent citizen.
65.          May there be unity among all members of the Nigeria Armed Forces. May betrayers, saboteurs and mutiny cease. May our men and officers be true to their allegiance of protecting and defending the unity and sovereignty of the nation.
66.          May all forms of insurgence and hostilities to the Nigerian nation cease. May insurgence lay down their arms, imbibe peace and may love reign in Nigeria and may it give birth to peace.
67.          May Boko Haram and all forms of insurgence be history in Nigeria soonest just as Maitasine has become history in this country in Jesus’ Name.
68.          I pray against religious intolerance in Nigeria. May we learn to live in peace irrespective of our religious differences.
69.          May God once again visit Nigeria and bless us with peace, unity and progress.
70.          May the handicapped in Nigeria be better cared for. May they enjoy their lives irrespective of their disabilities.
71.          I pray against the child killer diseases that they will continue to reduce in Nigeria. Particularly may polio cease and may ebola find no way to Nigeria again. Our children shall live and not die to declare the glory of God. Our health personnel shall be safe as they serve.
72.          May our pregnant women continue to deliver safely, and may the Lord visit those expecting God’s visitation with the fruit of the womb.
73.          May there be breakthroughs over malaria, all forms of fever, ebola, HIV/AIDS etc. in Nigeria. May genuine efforts aimed at fighting malaria and all other forms of fever in Nigeria yield glorious results.
74.          May God judge all forms of agents responsible for sickness and diseases in Nigeria.
75.          May our health workers still remember all the time that they care but God heals. May they work under God’s influence all the time. Amen.
76.          I pray for the work force in Nigeria that we may learn to do our works as unto the Lord. I pray against eye service in Nigeria.
77.          May there be a great revolution in all the ministries, departments and agencies of Nigeria that have reputation for bribery and corruption. May God visit the staff of such establishment one by one to discourage them from such evil practices.
78.          May SERVICOM succeed in Nigeria. May we render quality service to all without looking for undue reward.
79.          May the culture of selfless service return to Nigeria. May self motivated gains reduce in our contract regime in Nigeria. Amen.
80.          May there be a desire for excellence in whatever we lay our hands on as Nigerians. May we desire extraordinary performance than the ordinary.
81.          That enemy called THE NIGERIAN FACTOR is a negative description of Nigeria. May its negative influence upon our nation begin to fade away. May our use of GOOD NIGERIAN be like the general use of the Good Samaritan.
82.          May God deliver Nigerians from swindlers, especially through the internet and GSM services. May greed not prevail over our citizens any longer to the point of being defrauded.
83.          May God specially protect our farmers from all forms of danger and may they continue to have bumper harvest for feeding us and for exportation in Jesus name.
84.          May food preservation techniques be revived in Nigeria so that our post harvest losses may reduce considerably.
85.          I pray for our dams, water resources and all forms of irrigation projects that they will work to our advantage and not be adverse to us in any way.
86.          May God grant that we have our seasons appropriately and in good measure. May our rain be abundant but not in excess so that all may be well with Nigeria. Amen.
87.          May our law makers be renowned for making righteous laws. May all anti-God laws be repealed and all anti-God bills never be passed nor accented to in Jesus name.
88.          May our judiciary be just. May they work truthfully without fear or favour. May they bear in mind that God is the Judge of all while carrying out their assignments.
89.          May there be conscious efforts in Nigeria to reverse the trend where those who loot our treasuries are honoured. May honour be given unto whom it is rightly due in Nigeria.
90.          May the phenomenon of kidnap and child trafficking cease in Nigeria. May they become unprofitable and unattractive. May the fear of God prevail on those who have been profiting from them.
91.          I pray against all altars that have been erected against Nigeria that they are judged by the Lord God Almighty. Within and outside Nigeria, you are judged in Jesus name. Amen.
92.          Whatever agreement or covenant that anyone or any group have entered into on behalf of Nigeria but against God’s will for this country, I use the power that is in the blood of Jesus Christ to break such agreements and covenants in Jesus name. Amen.
93.          May all strange religions and occultic practices in Nigeria begin to receive God’s judgement in Jesus name.
94.          I pray for Nigerians in the Diaspora that they will always make Nigeria proud. They will be kept by God’s special hands in their lands of sojourn. They will be good ambassadors of the Nigerian nation.
95.          May there be peace within our borders. May God’s covenant of peace be our portion in Nigeria. May Nigeria once again have an enviable international standing.
96.          May our flag fly and shine in international arena again. May our passport be presented with great dignity anywhere in the world.
97.          May God raise for this nation individuals and teams that will bring back laurels for Nigeria in international sports and all other forms of competitions.
98.          May our leaders develop appropriate reward mechanisms for those who make Nigeria proud.
99.          May we enjoy peace with our neighbouring countries. May none of our neighbouring nations have any reason to raise up arms against us in Jesus name.
100.       God, please make Nigeria one of the happiest nations on planet earth. In our prosperity and affluence, let us not forget You, the Almighty God.
101.       May God put the consciousness of the reality of eternity in the hearts of Nigerians so that eternal rest with God in the end will be our principal consideration in all our actions. Amen.

“For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and
judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” Deuteronomy 4:7-8  

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