Archive for July 2014



“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

1.         I thank God that I am a Nigerian by God’s choice; I wouldn’t have been a better national of any other country.
2.         I thank God for this portion of planet earth where it has pleased Him to place me; no other place on earth would have been better for me than Nigeria.
3.         God shall continually be praised for the fine weather we have in different parts of Nigeria and for the absence of many natural disasters.
4.         I praise God for the diverse human and material resources that are available in Nigeria: the population, professionals, market, labour, potentials, minerals and all forms of environmental resources.
5.         I pray that God’s original mind for creating the
Nigeria nation will be fully accomplished in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
6.         I confess the sins of our forefathers, grandparents, parents and the sins of our generation that God will forgive us.
7.         May God forgive us of the uncountable lives that have been prematurely terminated in Nigeria by civil war, communal clashes, armed robbery, preventable road accidents, insurgence of all forms, ritual killings, wizardry and all forms of wickedness.
8.         In Nigeria, may the gospel of the eternal Saviour Jesus Christ continue to flourish as a good seed does on fertile land and under very favourable conditions.
9.         May Nigerian Missionaries continue to prosper in their endeavours. May they see the fruits of their travail and give all the praise to God.
10.      May there be appropriate support for our missionaries in Nigeria and may the missionaries be faithful to their calls.
11.      I speak to all dark places of Nigeria: Receive the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.