Archive for May 2016




Text: John 6:1-15

Memory Verses: Mark 10:29-30  “And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”

In most urban communities, many school children do go to school with food items packaged in their lunch boxes. To many, this is a more important luggage to school than the book bag because food comes first. As a matter of fact, a method being employed at the moment to make many kids who may never have gone to school consider schooling is lunch in school. So the lunch box appears to be very important and precious. Jesus was crowded with a huge crowd of people on this occasion who needed to be fed. Philip could not fathom where the so much money that would be needed to feed such a crowd could come from, even if they worked for months. Even Andrew who sighted the boy’s lunch box could not imagine how this would serve the need of the hour. Five “short cakes” and two fishes meant nothing to the crowd. But these were the raw materials Jesus used to feed the crowd. As we undertake this study, may our lunch boxes be useful to Jesus and may we be willing to give them to Jesus when the need arises. Amen.

a.       How many people did Jesus feed? Jn 6:10
b.      How many people were on the exodus trip to The Promised Land? Ex. 12:37
c.       How many people did Jesus feed on the other occasions reported in the Bible? Case 1: Mt. 14:13-21; Mk 6:30-44; Lk 9:10-17. Case 2: Mt 15:32 and Mk 8:9.
d.      The boy whose lunch box was used was not even counted among the crowd counted! Was he?

Lessons: What lessons have you learnt about the crowd following Jesus? See also I Kg 5:1-3; Is. 35:6; Mk 10:27. God will make a way where there seems to be no way.

a.       How important are lunch boxes to school children and indeed to this little boy?
b.      Are little children generally generous with their food and other items?
c.       Would the boy be condemned for not releasing his lunch box to Jesus?
d.      Was the boy rewarded for his generosity? Who should go home with the remnant gathered?

Lessons: What lessons have you learnt about generosity in this passage? See also Mt 26:7-13, Mk 10:27.

3.         LEND GOD THIS BOAT (Lk 5:1-11)
a.       Who was Peter by profession before he became Jesus’ disciple?
b.      Why was he fishing in the night?
c.       By washing his net, what was he ready to do?
d.      When you have spent a disappointed period, what usually is your reaction to anyone who asks you for any assistance?
e.       Was the generosity of Peter rewarded by Jesus Christ?

Lessons: What lessons have you learnt about Peter, Jesus and the boat’s account here? See also Mk 10:28-30.

a.       As we begin year 2016, what could be the lunch boxes or the fishing boats we may be required to surrender to Jesus for use?
b.      What if we refuse to give Jesus our lunch boxes/boats or give them to Jesus grudgingly?
c.       What if we give Jesus these lunch boxes willingly and cheerfully?

Lessons: What lessons have you learnt about Peter, Jesus and the boat’s account here? See also 2 Cor 9:7.

Lunch boxes may be very essential for school children. Children may not be able to endure hunger as adults. They may need the food but what do we say when Jesus says “the Lord has need of them?” Jesus wants to do miracles in several lives this period but may require lunch boxes and fishermen’s boats. Will He find volunteers? He may also need a manger, an upper room, a colt and a tomb. Will He still find volunteers? May we be willing to practice Frances R. Havergal’s hymn: Take my life and let it be consecrated to Thee. This 2016 and beyond, may we volunteer for Jesus our moments and days, hands and feet, voices and lips, silver and gold, intellect, will, heart, love and indeed our all for God’s use as He shall choose. Amen.

  1. Take my life and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
    Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in endless praise.
  2. Take my hands and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love.
    Take my feet and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee.
  3. Take my voice and let me sing,
    Always, only for my King.
    Take my lips and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee.
  4. Take my silver and my gold,
    Not a mite would I withhold.
    Take my intellect and use
    Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
  5. Take my will and make it Thine,
    It shall be no longer mine.
    Take my heart, it is Thine own,
    It shall be Thy royal throne.
  6. Take my love, my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure store.
    Take myself and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee.





Text: ACTS 1:1-11
Memory Verse: 2 Peter 1:16  For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

An Adventist family was re-roofing its house in Ile-Ife but could not finish before Sabbath. There was heavy cloud. They prayed Ps 46 and slept. The house was miraculously isolated from the heavy rain in the town that night!

Our focus in this study is that God can change, alter, suspend or do anything to the human, natural and fundamental laws for the sake of His children who are working out His purpose. Didn’t a virgin conceive and deliver against all known biological laws? Didn’t the sun stop movement for Joshua to defeat the enemies of Israel? How did Elijah travel to heaven or what mode was used by Enoch to be with God? With God, nothing shall be impossible all laws, rules and regulations notwithstanding. Imagine the Israelis crossing both the Red Sea and River Jordan on dry land! The natural flow of water was suspended in each case until God’s children fully passed through. Imagine the heap of water that refused to find its level on each occasion. God knows us by name and cares for every thread of hair on our heads. He is not just the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is my Lord and my God.

1.      Briefly share with the class members one striking issue from today’s text e.g. Jesus who is reputed as doing and teaching (v.1); The many infallible proofs of Jesus’ resurrection (v.3 and 1 Cor. 15:6); His open ascension while people watched (v.9) and His promised return (v.11).

2.      The ascension is a natural law suspended (v.9). Explain ascension.
i.           Any other religious leader ascended to heaven?
ii.         Elijah was taken up with a chariot of fire (2 Kg. 2:11-14)
iii.       Enoch walked with God and God took him (Gen. 5:22-24; Heb. 11:5)
iv.       How do you see the phrase, “he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” v.9
v.         Note: God do interfere with laws when His children are DOING HIS WILL and DESIRE TO GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO GOD.

3.      Natural laws suspended temporarily in the Bible (Miracles). Was this true in these cases?
i.           Gravitational law at the ascension (Acts 1:9)
ii.         Law of reproduction at the conception of Jesus by the virgin Mary (Is 7:14; Mt 1:18)
iii.       Archimedes Law of Floatation and Upthrust when Jesus and Peter walked on water (Mt 14:25)
iv.       Law of creation of matter when Jesus fed multitudes, turned water to wine and Widow’s food multiplied (Mt 14:15; Jn 5:6; Jn 2:9; 2Ki 4:5)
v.         Laws of motion when Jesus stopped waves/storms by simple command (Mt 8:26)
vi.       Laws of fishing when Jesus led Peter to catch many fishes towards mid-day (Lk 5:6)
vii.     Laws of life and death upon resurrection and raising dead Lazarus and a widow’s son (Lk 24:6; 7:11, Jn 11:1-44)
viii.   Law of speech when Balaam’s donkey talked (Num 22:28)
ix.       Law on Menopause broken by Zacharias/Elizabeth and Abraham/Sarah (Lk 1:5-7,13; Rm 4:18-21)
x.         Seasonal laws when Elijah suspended rainy seasons in Israel for 3½ years (Jm 5:17)
xi.       Psychiatric laws when Jesus delivered demon possessed individuals (Lk 4:35)
xii.     Laws of creation at His several healings (Mt 8:3,14; 9:2)
xiii.   Laws of flowing fluid when Red Sea/Jordan was divided (Ex 14:21, 2Kg 2:8,14)
xiv.   Laws of days and nights when Joshua stayed the sun and moon (Jos 10:12) etc.

4.      Briefly share personal testimonies of God suspending laws and rules because of you e.g.
i.           Admission or promotion testimonies
ii.         Supernatural healing from what would have been deadly situations
iii.       Supernatural provision etc.
iv.       Supernatural change in weather

5.      The Certainty of Jesus’ Return and Rapture of the Saints
i.           The angelic announcement will be fulfilled v.11
ii.         We shall also break the laws then for we shall rise and be caught up to meet Him in the air!!!  (1Thess 4:17)

Before any miracle, there is always a pre-miracle experience. Each miracle shows the Divine hand in human affairs. The Master of the Universe can choose what to do under every circumstance. He can do or undo to make His will come to pass upon His trusting child. Ours is to obey His is to do and He has no limitation whatsoever. Amen





Text: ACTS 1:12-26
Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:18  But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

The Upper Room played a very important role in the beginning of the Church as reported in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostle. We are trusting God to use it as object to speak increasing relevance to our lives today. To begin with, who owned the Upper Room? How simply He released it to Jesus for use! First for the Lords Supper, second as the “waiting room” for the 120, then the Headquarters of the New Church, the rallying point of the over 3000 Pentecost Converts and then the 5000 and the much more that God added. How gloriously the Upper Room increased in prominence and relevance! As we also surrender our Upper Rooms to Jesus, may we begin to enjoy an ever-increasing relevance and prominence in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1.      The Upper Room: Ownership.
The Upper Rooms in the Old Testament were owned by the Christian Community or rich individuals. The specific one in the New Testament was owned by “the goodman of the house” Lk 22:11. 
i.    Temple Upper Room (2 Chr. 28:11-12)
ii.   Rich men’s Upper Rooms (Jer. 20:13-14)
iii.  The Gospel’s Upper Room (Lk 22:7-13; Acts 1:12 See also Acts 9:37-39; 20:8)

2.      The Upper Room: Release for Use.
i.           How simply he released the Upper Room to Jesus! Lk. 22:12-13
ii.         The donkey owner released his donkey to Jesus Mk 11:4
iii.       The little boy’s lunch simply released to Jesus Jn 6:11
iv.       Levi’s custom job simply released to Jesus Mk 2:14
v.         Peter released his boat to Jesus Lk 5:3
vi.       Elisha’s big-time farming simply released to God I Kg 19:19-21
vii.     Paul’s law training, simply released to Jesus Phil 3:7

3.      The Upper Room: Its Features (Mk 14:15, Lk 22:12-13)
What lessons can we learn from the features of the Upper Room?
i.           Large
ii.         Upper Room (Privacy) Jn 13-17 preached here.
iii.       Furnished
iv.       Ready

4.      The Upper Room: Occupants at different times.  
How many days did the disciples spend in the Upper Room? Acts 1:3, 13, 2:1, 42 etc.
Discuss the occupants of the Upper Room at different times and its increasing prominence.
i.           The owner and all his
ii.         Jesus and the twelve.  Lk 22:12-13
iii.       The about 120 believers. Acts 1:13
iv.       The 120 and the over 3000 new believers. Acts 2:41
v.         The 120 and the about 5000 new believers. Acts 4:4
vi.       The ever increasing Church. Acts 2:47; 4:42

 5.      The Ever Increasing Prominence and Relevance. We can come to the limelight in Jesus’ hands! Jn 15:5.
The Upper Room was used for instituting the New Covenant, Jesus gave last minute instructions  and encouragement to His disciples, prayed the highly celebrated priestly prayers in Jn 17, washed their feet Jn 13:8), and it later became a refuge for the disciples, the place for new converts and the headquarters of the Church (Acts).

The secret of the ever-increasing relevance and prominence of the Upper Room is its release to Jesus. In the hand of its owner, it remained a personal property, rather unknown but in the hands of the Lord Jesus, it has grown from obscurity to prominence. Our lives, gifts, talents, belongings and indeed our all can also be just that, after all Proverbs 4:18 says, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”






Text: Jeremiah 17:5-11

Memory Verse: Better is a little with righteousness, Than vast revenues without justice. Proverbs 16:8


In Nigeria and many countries today, examination is a foremost formal instrument used in testing someone’s knowledge, ability or skills through written, oral or practical questions or tasks. The results are mainly used for placement, promotion, admission, certification and recruitment. The high premium placed on the possession of certificates motivates candidates to get involved in large-scale examination malpractice, leakages, cheating and forgery of certificates. Examination malpractice as any unacceptable conduct of placing a candidate at a more advantage over others done before, during or after examination by the examiner, teacher, testee or any other party in the examination process. Examination malpractices of all shades and forms are great tides on campus that all students must safely swim against to come out clean on the other side. Solicited and unsolicited, it advertises itself on campus daily. Some parents assist their wards to build its foundation, some teachers fuel its engine, some classmates drive its boat, technology is now being used in piloting it and the society fans its flame. The Christian student must take a Biblical stand early on this matter, believing Proverbs 16:8; Proverbs 15:6 and Proverbs 15:16-17 among many Scriptures. This study is to help you take that positive Biblical stand.

A war on examination malpractice is very important because malpractice is the foundation of the corruption in our society. Once an upcoming student/citizen believes that what is important is to get to the top irrespective of the means, then he/she is already sold to corruption. If we win the war early enough and every citizen abhors examination malpractice, we are then beginning to win the war on corruption in our society. People will begin to acknowledge that there is dignity in honest labour and that honesty is the best policy. See what the Bible says further about being righteous, just and truthful in Isaiah 3:10-11; Prov 4:18,19; and Deut 16:20.

Is collaborative effort in an examination hall a form of brotherly love? Are the people who insist on giving very honest reports of their study in examination halls old-fashioned, unloving and wicked? Can’t one just “assists” to courier an answer to another? The hymn writer asks if our anchor will hold in the midst of this storm.


1.     Identify different forms of examination malpractices and the parties involved in them. Does your list include these: S&S: Sorting and Sleeping, Bullets or Missiles, Super prints, ECOWAS, ECOMOG, Impersonation, Collusion between candidates, Collusion between candidates and officials, Assault and Intimidation, Mass cheating, Leakage, Bribery, Expo, Dubbing, Copying, Hi-tech practice, Giraffing, Magnifying glasses and Binoculars, Substitution of answer sheet, “Examination Fund” Malpractice, “Comfort Fund” Malpractice, Spying, Passing of Papers in the Hall, Whispering of Answers, Submission of multiple scripts, Sale of Blank Answer Sheets, Multiple Entries for the same Examination, Admission Racketing Malpractice, Coded or Sign Language Malpractice.

2.         Why are you not involved in any of these types of examination malpractices?

3.         What is the Bible position on any or all types of examination malpractices? I Jn 5:17; Prov 16:8


1.     Identify the remote and immediate causes of examination malpractices

2.     What roles do you think the following play in examination malpractices: Societal and personal values; integrity; fear of God; fear of failure; teaching methods; favouritism, intimidation, questions not commensurate with students’ abilities; examination environment, overcrowding, miracle centres; peer pressure; unhealthy rivalry among students, absenteeism, poor attitude to studies, poor invigilation; parent’s success philosophy; existing punishment; level of preparation; financial inducement; premium on certificate etc.

3.     Is cheating allowed in Continuous Assessments? What is an Open Book Examination?

4.     Does the Bible justify anyone on the grounds of any of these reasons? 2 Chr 16:9; Rom 2:1

C.    REASONS WHY YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHEAT (1 Peter 2:9, Matt 5:14)

1.         God hates it and you dare not do what God hates. Hebrews 10:31 & 12:29. 

2.         Your parents and family will be highly disappointed in you. Proverbs 22:1,  Ecclesiastes 7:1

3.         If truly you entered the higher institution by merit, you have nothing to fear.

4.         If you passed O’level examinations where you never saw examiners/markers, you should pass on campus.

5.         You are being taught and examined by lecturers you will see face to face where you can ask questions.

6.         If you cheat, your certificate will not bear any good resemblance with your ability, living in falsehood.

7.         Your conscience will often remind you that you are a liar if your result is based on a false result.

8.         You may lose your studentship or be sent home for some semesters if you are caught.

9.         If you are caught and sent away or made to lose some semesters, all the fees you have paid will be lost.

10.     Your name will be published in your campus website for the whole world to see that you are a thief.

11.     Your political ambition may be soiled by such a record which is now online.

12.     As simple as it may look, you may begin to have difficulty with good friendship.

13.     If you trust God and work hard, He will reward you with good success.

14.     You are God’s ambassador and you need not bring shame to Him by cheating.


1.         What are the diverse punishments for examination malpractices either by governments or institutions?

2.         Should we shield culprits of examination malpractices from punishment or can we help them anyhow?

3.         What does the Bible say about shielding culprits of examination malpractices? Prov. 11:21; 16:5


1.     What do you consider as the social, economic, time and other costs of examination malpractices to the student involved in the process?

2.     What are the cost implications of examination malpractices to the society? Remember the half-baked Engineer, NEPA staff, Pilot! Doctor! Nurse! Accountant! Teacher! etc.

3.     Because of this cost, what should be our individual stand on examination malpractices as student, parent, teacher, examiner or institutional administrator? Read Prov. 1:8


1.         Pray towards your examinations and pray for the specific paper as soon as you are served.

2.         Decide not to cheat under any condition because God is watching all your actions.

3.         Don’t accept the suggestion to cheat irrespective of whoever suggests it: parents etc.

4.         Study hard all through the semester and believe God that He will reward your labour

5.         Obtain, study and abide with the Regulations Governing Examination Conduct in your campus.

6.         Don’t agree to any form of impersonation; it is falsehood, lie telling and can land you in jail.

7.         Don’t agree that assisting someone else in the examination hall is a form of help, instead it is sin, avoid it.

8.         Sit in the front rows in the examination hall where possible.

9.         Follow a motto: To Thine Own Self Be True. Refuse to deceive yourself but follow integrity.

10.     Let all your classmates know your stand on examination malpractices before examinations.

11.     Refuse to be a courier through whom examination malpractices materials pass through.

12.     Accept to suffer for doing good in case your good work puts you in danger.

13.     Be prepared to fail honourably rather than obtaining the reward of iniquity.

14.     If any classmate brings any leaked examination question to you, run from such.

15.     Go to the examination hall with all your writing materials (with extra pens and pencils).

16.     Search yourself well before entering the examination hall in case you mistakenly left something on you.

17.     Cooperate with the invigilators especially on starting and stoppage timing in the examination hall.

18.     If someone is caught around you and you are by law expected to sign as a witness, do not hesitate to sign.

19.     Always seek the help of the invigilators in case of any issue to clarify in the examination hall,

20.     Pray that you do not enter into temptation. Pray also against “he goats” bringing problems to the hall.


Resolve today never to participate in Examination malpractice. It is an sin to God Almighty. Remember Jeremiah 17:11 which says, "As a partridge that broods but does not hatch, So is he who gets riches, but not by right; It will leave him in the midst of his days, And at his end he will be a fool." If you do not want to leave midday but you want to fully run your course on campus, refrain from all forms of examination malpractice. Thy Hymn writers say, Will your anchor hold? Yield not to temptation for yielding is sin. Remember, Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men (Proverbs 22:29). But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17).





Texts:     Psalms 73:1-28; Isaiah 57:1-2,20-21, Luke 18:8 and Matthew 24:22

Memory Verses: Psalms 73:1-3 “Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”


Let us start the class with a quiz this morning: (A). How many books, authors, chapters and verses are in the Bible? (B). Read the centre verse of the Bible. Invigilator to check if there was any examination malpractice while the quiz lasted.

After a series of studies discouraging our members from participating in examination malpractices, it was needful to teach members how to study for success so that they do not even contemplate any malpractice. It further occurred to us that it was more urgently needful to address that believer who is already full of regrets and discouragements in that after attempting to keep the rules, failures and low grades followed whereas those who refused keeping the rules are smiling home. He sees in those who flout the rules a seeming joy of success and the Eureka shout while no one cares about the fate of him who tries to keep to righteous living. A contradiction? Solomon said in Eccl. 10:7 “I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.” He said further in Eccl. 9:11 “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” So, what is your experience like?

                In the days of the Psalmists and Prophet Isaiah, these two dispositions manifested to the wicked and the righteous: an apparent success for the wicked on one hand but on the other hand the righteous ended up in everlasting joy and peace. Let us watch out for this all-important conclusion in the diverse practical and scriptural cases we shall consider in this study, knowing fully well that “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” (Isaiah 57:21) “But it is good for me to draw near to God.” (Psalms 73:28).



A.            Have you ever experienced it, can it ever happen, or have you even seen a worse case?

1.       That one tries to keep off from examination malpractices and the result is failure while others who cheated passed and are smiling home?

2.       That one tries to get admission for many years without success only to see his colleagues secure same type of admission just by the payment of a little bribe?

3.       That a lady stays without money in the hostel while seeing juice containers/suya wrappers pass her bed to the waste-bin crowned with a whole night discussion on how the Alhajis can most easily help ladies?

4.       That your remaining an applicant is just that you refused to go to bed with officers on the jobs that came your way whereas your other “sister” who just accepted to sleep with the first offer has changed cars in her well-paid job?

5.       That you have been missing contracts because you refused to give N50,000 to the awarding officer while your friend who gave and advised you to give has made N1,000,000 each of the 4 times he has applied?


B.            Possible dispositions in difficult times:

1.       Hopelessness: Job 17:15; Isa 49:14; Jer 2:25; Jon 4:8; Eph 2:12; 1Th 4:13. Discouragement; God does not answer prayers; God does not remember me; if you can’t beat them you join them; I am not lucky; I am destined for sorrow; my life is full of bad luck; I have never been lucky; It shows up in our family line; I know it will not end up well; I would have been surprised!


2.       Hope: Ps 31:24; 33:18; 39:7; 42:11; 71:5; 118:8; 146:5; Jer 17:7; Joe 3:16; Hab. 3:17-19. Hope, encouragement, trust in God, perseverance, God is able, God sees, God knows, dry bones shall rise again, fallen down not destroyed, my redeemer lives, He is the God of the 2nd chance, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. I’m God’s project, He is giving me “A” treatment.


C.            Will Jesus find faith on earth when he returns?

Discouragement is in the air but in Luke 18:8, Jesus asks, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? If we allow the lives of the wicked we see daily to dictate our pace, Jesus may not find faith in us at the end. Why? Reasons:

The internet and social media. Pray for your phone and PC not to take you to hell
The mass media and its entertainment and advertorials. Pray for your TV and film machines not to take you to hell
Buying and selling: Pray that your business will not take you to hell
Language of the world: Pray that your slangs will not take you to hell
Dishonesty in relationships: Pray that your love-life will not take you to hell
Examination malpractices: Pray that your love for success anyhow will not take you to hell
Dressing of the world: Pray that your love for so called good look will not take you to hell
How to get things done: Admission, Appointments, Promotions, Advancements, “Blessings”, “Favour”, “Breakthroughs”, “Miracles”, etc. Pray that your methods will not take you to hell
Abiding with some parental guidance (when the parent rules against God’s word and we agreed because it suites our pleasure). Pray that your desire to be a “good child” at God’s expense will not take you to hell
The fear of the world of isolation. Pray that your love for social acceptance will not take you to hell
The show that you are also able to do anything anyhow. Pray that your show offs will not take you to hell
The love for the praise of men. Pray that your love of praise will not take you to hell
Hatred of rebuke, correction, discipline and instruction in righteousness. Pray that your incorrigibility will not take you to hell
The desire to repay evil for evil. Pray that your interest in revenge will not take you to hell
Never willing to play the second fiddle. Pray that your love for number one all the times will not take you to hell
Self above God (Relegating God to the background). Pray that your over-rated self will not take you to hell
Customary and traditional demands. Pray that your love for traditions will not take you to hell
Very available volunteers who are saying “I will do it for you.” Pray that volunteers will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “It does not matter.” Pray that unnecessary things you allow in your life will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “Everyone is doing it.” Pray that inability to stand alone will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “Holier than thou attitude.” Pray that those who want to water your faith down to their level will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “All of us are fishes inside the ocean, hence none should claim he is not wet.” Pray that your all-inclusiveness-in-sin theology will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “It is not my fault.” Pray that your blame game will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “God will understand.” Pray that your theology will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “To ere is human.” Pray that your theology will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “God will never know.” Pray that your ignorance will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “My pastor allows it.” Pray that your excuses will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “Even some pastors are doing it.” Pray that your excuses will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “That is the majority position.” Pray that your love for following the crowd will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “I was and I am helpless.” Pray that your simplicity will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “I am the 1st born of my family: the traditions depend on me.” Pray that your traditional excuses will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “I gave unto Caesar what was Caesar’s.” Pray that your quiet love for the world without due consideration for God will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “Christianity does not mean foolishness/stupidity.” Pray that your pride to show that you can still manifest as an unbeliever will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “I did not ask for it, it was just given.” Pray that your indirect acceptance of packaged sin will not take you to hell
Doctrine of “Heaven helps those who help themselves” Pray that seemingly good counsels but unscriptural will not take you to hell


D.            Selected Distinct Righteous Men among Corrupt Generations

1. Joseph (Gen 39:11-12)
1. Job (Job 1:1,5,8,19-22)
3. Jesus (1 Pet 2:21-25)
4. Joshua (Num 14:6-10, Jos 24:15)
5. Paul (Acts 20:18-38)
6. Lazarus (Lk 16:20-25)
7. Barnabas versus Ananias (Acts 4:36,37/51-2)
8. Nehemiah’s Treasurers (Neh. 13:13)
9. The Rechabites (Jer 35:18)
10. Daniel (Daniel 1:8; 6:4)
11. Moses (Heb 3:5)
12. Onesimus (Col 4:9)
13. Enoch (Gen 5:24, Jude 14,15)
14. Samuel (I Sam 12:1-5)
15. Lot (2 Pet 2:7-8)

E.            How can we practice righteousness in the midst of a perverse generation?

1.        Jesus said to John there is the need to fulfill all righteousness
2.        Jesus said except our righteousness be more than the Pharisees, we cannot enter the kingdom of God

3.        Jesus said, seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness all other things will be additions.

4.        Jesus said “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but

5.        for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” Mt. 24:22.

6.        I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, called out to show the praise of He who has called us from darkness into His marvelous light.

7.        Paul said we need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

8.        Paul said all things are lawful to me but I will not make myself a slave of anything.

9.        The Psalmist says God loves righteousness but hastes wickedness.

10.     The fruits of unrighteousness are sin, death and hell.

11.     The fruits of righteousness are love, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost leading to eternity with God.

12.     It pays to serve Jesus whatever the cost

13.     I can choose to be alone in the crowd.

14.     Others may, I cannot (living in the north for about 30 years, I have not taken kunu, nunu or kindirimu but my wife takes, makes and sold kunu!)

15.     If Daniel determined not to defile himself with food why can’t I?

16.     If Joseph determined to not to defile himself with a woman, why can’t I?

17.     In all things, Job did not sin against God, neither did he curse God.

18.     If Joshua and Caleb could stand with God against other 10 spies among some 2 million Jews, why can’t I stand for God?
19.     What really did I mean when I said, I have decided to follow Jesus?

20.     If Jesus went all the way for me, why can’t I go all the way for Him?

21.     If Jesus loved me even to the point of giving His life for me, why can’t I remain faithful to Him even unto death?

22.     I must be His ambassador, representative, light bearer, instrument and indeed His now and ever.


Heaven is the ultimate, but even while on earth, Habakkuk 3:17-19 say, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” Psalms 118:8 says, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”